Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Renovated Defined

Renovate (ren-uh-veyt)
-verb (used with object)

1. To restore to good condition; make new or as if new again; repair.
2. To reinvigorate; refresh; revive

As a builder, I prefer the "make new or as if new again" portion of that definition. It indicates that at one time, the home or room was brand new.   But over time it deteriorates, is not being used as originally intended,  it has lost the original value or it's just plain ugly.   One satisfying aspect of my job was to "make new again" by restoring its usefulness, purpose, value, and beauty.

The same can be said about us MEN.   We were built by The Master Builder for a specific purpose and destiny.  But, because of passivity and lack of leadership by one man, our minds are constantly under renovation.  In an ideal world, every man would have a t-shirt that read, "Excuse the Mess, Renovation in Progress".

Consider this, if you bought a home and wanted to add-on or renovate, the most significant person you could talk to would be the original builder.  So when it comes to "renovating" our minds, who then would be the best person to ask for help?  Of course, the one who knows why we were created and the purpose for which we were created.  Trust me, there's several builders out there vying for your mind, but there can only be one "original" builder. The builder of builders who built everything.

For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.   Hebrews 3:4


  1. "Excuse the Mess, Renovation in progress". Love it. Sometimes I feel like there were parts of me the master builder has had to tear down to the bear studs and start over. Thank God I'm not who I was and I'm not even going to be the same a year from today!

  2. Strong word! This makes me think about how significant damage happens most of the time. It CAN happen in one catastrophic moment, but most often it happens over time. We can neglect the small daily damage without even noticing that it's happening, until one day we (or someone else) realizes that the place is wrecked and ready to be condemned. At work I do daily walk-throughs to avoid this. Its an effective idea , as it relates to manhood too.

  3. Excuse the mess, renovation in progress, is a brilliant way to look at it.

  4. Like Anthony said, damage occurs over time. I think of it like a house that has mold or a water leak. We as men or even regular builders may not notice because we don't know how it was originally intended to be presented. Only the Master Builder could come in and immedietely what and where the problem is located.
